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Green Juice
Green Juice is the perfect Energy Drink for many Raw Foodists. And also a great way to get the kids to benefit from their Green Vegies! Typically it is a juice for breakfast but works great with any meal.
Eat more greens! Juicing your greens is a great way to consume a large amount of nutrious green vegies in one day! Maximise your vegetable intake with this wonderful Green Juice recipe
Green Juice is high in Chlorophyll! Chlorophyll is medicine for our bodies. By increasing the flow of oxygen we are able to release toxins and stress from every part of the body. The more oxygen in our bodies the harder it is for disease to live!
This is the perfect recipe for Green Juice - providing you with the nutrients & minerals you need to revitalise & kick-start your day!
Simply Juice:
4 Stalks of Celery
1/2 Whole Cucumber
1 Cup of Sunflower Sprouts
5 Leaves/Stalks Kale or Spinach
3 Leaves/Stalks of Swiss Chard
This is an unsweetened recipe, although you can add a little apple or carrot if you find it to strong.
Find excellent Green Juice Recipes in the wonderful book: Living Foods for Optimum Health By Theresa Foy and Brian R.Clement.
Tip: This juice is perfectly made with the Greenpower 'Hippocates Plus' Twin Gear Juicer.